LoRaWAN connect Smart Water
Facing changes in the Internet world, wireless communication technology has continued to advance. From the beginning of short-distance Bluetooth transmission to long-distance, high-bandwidth WI-FI, 5G, each time progress brings people closer.
Under these technologies, there are still problems that need to be improved, including high power consumption leads to large power consumption and long-distance propagation delays. Therefore, a new generation of communication technology LoRaWAN has been produced, which full name is low-power wide area networks. Its advantages are power saving and long-distance transmission.
In response to the operation of the Internet of Things, the transmission between machine requires the use of high-frequency bandwidth. Under high-frequency bandwidth transmission, it actually produces power consumption characteristics. Due to global energy issues, this is inevitably a problem to be improved. Therefore, LoRaWAN's Appear and improve in time. LoRaWAN has power-saving features, low-cost configuration, and long-distance transmission. It can be applied to many configurations.
Taking the smart water network as an example, water is one of the necessary conditions for our survival, but the uneven distribution of global water resources, coupled with extreme climate impact, how to preserve water resources has become an important issue. Smart water meters have built-in wireless communication components and have AMR. There are also functions such as water leakage detection, which is suitable for widely setting up residential areas or general large cities, using LoRaWAN to transmit, forming a smart water network.
Smart water network is the best example of M2M transmission. Such operation requires Cat-M multi frequency band outdoor gateway, router, small cell, micro cell, base stations, and Grand-Tek has related integrated services, our IP68 waterproof sub-system and outdoor Lora / Sigfox / NB-IOT antennas, after various tests, can be used normally in harsh environments in time. It is hoped that the widespread deployment of smart water meters can improve the problem of wasting water resources. Look forward to Grand-Tek will cherish water sources together with our business partners around the world.